7 Sights in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (with Map and Images)


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Explore interesting sights in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Click on a marker on the map to view details about it. Underneath is an overview of the sights with images. A total of 7 sights are available in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Activities in Ulaanbaatar

1. National Museum of Mongolia

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The National Museum of Mongolia formerly known as the National Museum of Mongolian History is a history museum focusing on Mongolian history located in Ulaanbaatar. It characterizes itself as "a cultural, scientific, and educational organization, which is responsible for the collection, care and interpretation of the objects."

Wikipedia: National Museum of Mongolia (EN), Website

2. Zaisan Memorial

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The Zaisan Memorial is a memorial in the southern area of the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar in the duureg (district) of Khan-Uul that honors allied Mongolian and Soviet soldiers killed in World War II. Located on a hill in the southern part of the city, the memorial features a circular painting that depicts scenes of friendship between the people of the USSR and Mongolia. The mural depicts scenes such as Soviet support for Mongolia's independence declaration in 1921, the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army by the Soviets at Khalhkin Gol on the Mongolian border in 1939, victory over Nazi Germany and peacetime achievements such as Soviet space flights including the flight of Soyuz 39 which carried the first Mongolian into space, Jugderdemidiin Gurragchaa.

Wikipedia: Zaisan Memorial (EN)

3. Bogd Khan Palace Museum

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The Winter Palace of the Bogd Khan, or the Bogd Khan Palace Museum, is a museum complex located in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. It was part of larger complex called the "Green Palace", an imperial residence of the eighth Jebtsundamba Khutughtu, who was later proclaimed Bogd Khan, or ruler of Mongolia. Alongside being the oldest museum, it is also considered as one with the biggest collection in Mongolia. The palace is the only one left from originally four residences of the Bogd Khan.

Wikipedia: Winter Palace of the Bogd Khan (EN), Website

4. Manjusri Monastery

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The Monastery of Manzushir is a religious monastery not far from the city of Zaumod, Central Mongolia. "Manzushir" means "a god to keep the heavens of intelligence." The foundation of the Monastery of Manzushir was laid in 1733 when luvsanjambaldanzan, the first electrician of the Monastery, was built on the slopes of Mount Bogdan. In the late 18th century, a temple was built, drawing water from Mount Bogdan in the south and forming an artificial lake.

Wikipedia: Манзушри Хийд (MN)

5. National Amusement Park of Mongolia

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The National Cultural Resort was first established on November 10, 1965, as the "City Cultural Holiday Park" to promote cultural upbringing among children and young people in Ulaanbaatar, Ulaanbaatar. The Children's Park is located in the heart of the city, with an area of 35 hectares, 25 hectares of green facilities, 1.8 hectares of lakes, and 5.6 hectares of toy equipment, cultural centers, and industrial facilities.

Wikipedia: Үндэсний соёл амралтын хүрээлэн (MN), Website

6. Tonyukuk inscriptions

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Tonyukuk inscriptions Vezirtonyukuk / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Tonyukuk inscriptions, also called the Bain Tsokto inscriptions are Turkic inscriptions of the 8th century located in Nalaikh, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. They are the oldest written attestations of the Turkic language family, predating the Orkhon inscriptions by several years.

Wikipedia: Bain Tsokto inscriptions (EN)

7. Natural History Museum

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The Natural History Museum of Mongolia is a repository and research institution located in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The museum was previously known as the Mongolian National Museum or State Central Museum.

Wikipedia: Mongolian Natural History Museum (EN)


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