11 Sights in Wakayama, Japan (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Wakayama, Japan! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Wakayama. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

1. Wakayama Castle

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Wakayama Castle is a Japanese castle located in the city Wakayama, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. For most of the Edo Period, it was the administrative center of Kishū Domain, which was controlled by a cadet branch of the Tokugawa clan. Due to its size and status, Wakayama Castle was ranked as one of the most important castles under the Tokugawa shogunate. The castle was designated a National Historic Site in 1931, and its Nishi-no-Maru Garden was designated a National Place of Scenic Beauty in 1987.

Wikipedia: Wakayama Castle (EN), Website

2. ポルトヨーロッパ

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Porto Europa is a theme park located in Wakayama Marina City, an artificial island in Momi, Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture. The park is built in the image of the Mediterranean Sea and is divided into two districts: the Porto Europe zone and the amusement park zone.

Wikipedia: ポルトヨーロッパ (JA), Website

3. saika castle

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saika castle

Saikajo Castle (三賀城, Saikajo) was a castle (hill castle) in Japan during the Sengoku period near Wakauranaka 3-chome, Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. It was also called Myomiyama Castle.

Wikipedia: 雑賀城 (JA)

4. 和歌浦天満宮

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和歌浦天満宮 KENPEI / CC BY-SA 3.0

Wakaura Tenmangu is a shrine located in Wakaura Nishi, Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. The name of the corporation is "Tenma Shrine". Located in the middle of Mt. Wakaura Tenjin (about 93 m above sea level), it enshrines Sugawara Michishin and is revered as the chief deity of Wakaura. Because of the worship of the god of learning, many students visit every year to take the exam. It is one of the three shrines in Japan.

Wikipedia: 和歌浦天満宮 (JA)

5. 玉津島神社

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Tamazushima Shrine is a shrine located in Wakauranaka, Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. Resident of the National History Society. The former company name is Murasha. It is also written as Tamazushima Shrine.

Wikipedia: 玉津島神社 (JA)

6. 無量光寺

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Muryokoji Temple is a temple of the Jodo sect located in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. The name of the mountain is Satomiya Mountain. The honzon is Amitabha. The temple of the Tokumoto Jojin Daimyo Pagoda. It is known as the "Temple of the Great Buddha".

Wikipedia: 無量光寺 (和歌山市) (JA)

7. 紀州東照宮

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紀州東照宮 KENPEI / CC BY-SA 3.0

Kishū Tōshō-gū (紀州東照宮) is a Shinto shrine located in the city of Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. It enshrines the deified first Shōgun of the Tokugawa shogunate, Tokugawa Ieyasu. It is also known as the Wakayama Tōshō-gū (和歌山東照宮)

Wikipedia: Kishū Tōshō-gū (EN)

8. 紅葉渓庭園

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Wakayama Castle Nishinomaru Garden (Wakayama Castle Nishinomaru Garden) is a Japan garden located in Wakayama Castle, a national historic site in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. It is commonly known as Momijida Garden, and as the name suggests, autumn leaves flourish in the garden. It is designated as a national scenic spot.

Wikipedia: 和歌山城西之丸庭園 (JA)

9. Iyato-jinja Shrine

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Iyato-jinja Shrine

Iyatojinja Shrine is a shrine located in Musota, Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture. Rokujuya and the Arimoto area on the south bank of the Kino River. There is a huge chestnut tree behind the main shrine. Former village shrine.

Wikipedia: 射矢止神社 (JA)

10. 伊太祁曽神社

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Itakiso Shrine (伊太祁曽神社) is a Shinto shrine in the Itakiso neighborhood of the city of Wakayama in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. It is one of the three shrines claiming the title of ichinomiya of former Kii Province. The main festival of the shrine is held annually on October 15.

Wikipedia: Itakiso shrine (EN)

11. Wakayama City Museum

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Wakayama City Museum KENPEI / CC BY-SA 3.0

Wakayama City Museum is a local history museum located in the city of Wakayama, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. It opened in November 1985 to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the construction of Wakayama Castle. The facility is adjacent to the Wakayama Civic Library. In the permanent exhibition room, there are exhibits related to the cultural history of Wakayama city from the prehistoric period through the postwar reconstruction period, as well as many materials pertaining to the Kishū Tokugawa clan, who ruled as daimyō of Kishū Domain under the Edo Period Tokugawa Shogunate.

Wikipedia: Wakayama City Museum (EN), Website


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