19 Sights in Saitama, Japan (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Saitama, Japan! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Saitama. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Saitama

1. The Railway Museum

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The Railway Museum is a railway museum in Saitama, Saitama, Japan, which opened on 14 October 2007. It was built and is operated by the East Japan Railway Culture Foundation, a non-profit subsidiary of the East Japan Railway Company. It consists of a 19,800 m² building on a site covering 42,500 m², with a display area 9,500 m² in size.

Wikipedia: Railway Museum (Saitama) (EN), Website

2. Hikawa Shrine

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Hikawa Shrine

Hikawa Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Ōmiya-ku, Saitama, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. It is one of the two shrines claiming the title of ichinomiya of former Musashi Province. The main festival of the shrine is held annually on August 1. The district of Omiya, literally "Great Shrine", derives from the special favor shown by Emperor Meiji, who raised Hikawa above all other shrines in the Kantō region. It is the head of a network of approximately 280 Hikawa shrines mostly around the Kantō region.

Wikipedia: Hikawa Shrine (Saitama) (EN), Website

3. 氷川女体神社

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Hikawa Ontai Shrine is a shrine located in Midori Ward, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. The name of the registered religious corporation is Hikawa Women's Shrine in the old script. It is called Musashi Kuni Ichinomiya. The number one member of the Miyakai in Japan. The former company name is Gosha.

Wikipedia: 氷川女体神社 (JA)

4. 慈恩寺

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Jionji Temple is a temple of the Tendai sect located in Iwatsuki-ku, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. The name of the mountain is Hualin Mountain. The name of the temple is Mogami-in. The main temple is the thousand-handed Kanseon Bodhisattva, and this temple is the 12th temple of Bando 33 Kannon. In addition, there is a place name of Daiji Jionji Temple derived from this temple.

Wikipedia: 慈恩寺 (さいたま市) (JA)

5. 久伊豆神社

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Hisaizu Shrine is a shrine located in Miyamachi 2-chome, Iwatsuki-ku, Saitama City. It is said to be the chief guardian of Iwatsuki. The former company name was a prefectural company. The precincts are part of the Iwatsuki Castle Ruins. In addition to our company, there are eight other shrines in Iwatsuki Ward.

Wikipedia: 久伊豆神社 (さいたま市) (JA)

6. 玉蔵院

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Gyokuzoin is a temple of the Shingon sect of the Toyoyama sect located in Urawa Ward, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture. The name of the mountain is Mt. Hoju. The main statue is the Dainichi Nyoraiza. Kita Adachi 88 Sacred Sites No. 55 and No. 88. Next to the main hall is a weeping cherry tree that is more than 100 years old, and it is famous as a famous place for cherry blossoms.

Wikipedia: 玉蔵院 (さいたま市) (JA)

7. 岩槻郷土資料館

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The Saitama City Iwatsuki Folk Museum is a museum located in Iwatsuki Ward, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture for the purpose of collecting and preserving folk materials, mainly folk tools. It is considered to be a branch of the Saitama City Museum. In 2016, the building was registered as a National Registered Tangible Cultural Property.

Wikipedia: さいたま市立岩槻郷土資料館 (JA)

8. 鴻沼資料館

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The Kononuma Museum is a museum located in Nishibori 4-chome, Sakura-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture. You can learn about the history of the Kononuma River, which flows nearby, and the development of new fields.

Wikipedia: 鴻沼資料館 (JA)

9. 浄国寺

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Jokokuji Temple is a temple of the Jodo sect located in Iwatsuki Ward, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. The name of the mountain is Buddha's Eye Mountain. The name of the temple is Eiryu-in. The honzon is Amitabha.

Wikipedia: 浄国寺 (さいたま市) (JA)

10. Omiya Park Small Zoo

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Omiya Park is a 67.8 ha urban park (regional park) operated by Saitama Prefecture located in Omiya Ward and Minuma Ward, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture. In 1990 (Heisei 2), it was selected as one of the 100 best cherry spots in Japan.

Wikipedia: 大宮公園小動物園 (JA), Website

11. 普門院

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Fumon-in is a temple of the Soto sect located in Taisei-cho, Omiya-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. In the 33rd year of Onei (1426), Kaneko Taisei, the lord of this area, took refuge in Tsukie Masafumi, who went to this area, shaved his head from himself, and called himself the lord of Genkoan, and made the castle (Taiseikan) a temple, the name of the mountain was Taiseiyama, and the name of the temple was Bomon-in.

Wikipedia: 普門院 (さいたま市) (JA)

12. 岩槻藩遷喬館

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Qianqiaokan is the domain school of the Shibamura Domain. The predecessor of Gifu Prefecture Daiichi Junior High School (Gifu Junior High School, Gifu Prefecture → renamed Gifu Prefectural Gifu High School). The private school of Kodama Nanke of the Iwatsuki clan. It is described below.

Wikipedia: 遷喬館 (JA)

13. 秋ヶ瀬公園

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Akigase Park is a park in Japan that occupies a section of flood plain of the Arakawa River, which is located at the western edge of Saitama City. The park covers an area of 100.1ha on the eastern side of the river between its northern boundary, 3 km north of the Akigase Bridge, and the southern boundary, the Hanekura Bridge.

Wikipedia: Akigase Park (EN)

14. Saitama City Manga Museum

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Saitama City Manga Kaikan is an art museum located in Bonsai-cho, Kita-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. It opened in November 1966 (Showa 41) on the site of the late residence of Kitazawa Rakuten, a manga artist who is considered to be "the pioneer of modern manga in Japan" and "Japan's first professional manga artist". It is known as Japan's first public art museum and a manga and anime museum with manga as its main collection. Admission is free.

Wikipedia: さいたま市立漫画会館 (JA), Website

15. 蓮昌寺

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Renshoji is a Nichiren sect temple located in Komaba, Urawa -ku, Saitama -shi, Saitama. Myo Ginzan Miraiin. The former Motoyama is Ikegami Honmonji. Ikegami Kagurazaka Law. It holds Ishikan, which is excavated from the armor mounds designated by Saitama City.

Wikipedia: 蓮昌寺 (さいたま市) (JA)

16. 實相寺

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Jissoji Temple is a temple of Nichiren Buddhism located in Amanuma-cho, Omiya-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture. The name of the mountain is Hoju Mountain. The former main temple is the main temple of Anbo, the Kominato Birth Temple, and the Goshi Hoen.

Wikipedia: 実相寺 (さいたま市) (JA)

17. 妙行寺

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Myōgyōji Temple is a temple of Nichiren Buddhism located in Suzuya, Chuo-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture. The name of the mountain is Higashi-Eizan. The former main temple is Shimoso's main temple, Shochuzan Hokka Sutra Temple. There is a "Yono no Daikaya" (National Natural Monument) in the adjacent Kinbi Ratendo Hall, and it is commonly known as the Kaya Tree Temple. In addition, there is also a "Mokkoku of Myogyoji Temple" (a prefectural designated natural monument) in the precincts.

Wikipedia: 妙行寺 (さいたま市) (JA)

18. 法光寺

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Hokoji Temple is a temple of Nichiren Buddhism located in Nishiomiya 4-chome, Nishi-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture. The name of the mountain is Mt. Terubaku. The former main temple is Minobusan Kuonji Temple, Shioshi Hoen. In the precincts, there is a Shiinoki tree (Saitama City Designated Cultural Property) of Hokoji Temple.

Wikipedia: 法光寺 (さいたま市) (JA)

19. 金剛院

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Kongoin Temple is a temple of the Chizan sect of Shingon Buddhism located in Kita-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture. In addition, there is a Kongo-ji temple with a similar name in Miyahara-cho, the same ward of the same city, about 2 kilometers northeast of this temple. That temple is also a member of the Shingon sect of the Chizan sect.

Wikipedia: 金剛院 (さいたま市北区) (JA)


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