6 Sights in Vittorio Veneto, Italy (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Vittorio Veneto, Italy! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Vittorio Veneto. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

1. Casa Sanfiori

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Countless centuries-old façades make the streets of Serravalle di Vittorio Veneto of great historical and architectural importance. This centre of Roman origin developed in the Middle Ages, reaching its maximum economic and artistic flourishing during the Renaissance, when it was frequented by great architects, painters and humanists.

Wikipedia: Palazzi di Serravalle (IT)

2. Duomo di Serravalle

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The Cathedral of Serravalle, dedicated to Santa Maria Nova, is the parish church of Serravalle, a district of Vittorio Veneto, in the province of Treviso and diocese of Vittorio Veneto; it is part of the forania of Vittorio Veneto.

Wikipedia: Duomo di Serravalle (IT)

3. Pieve di Sant'Andrea di Bigonzo

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The parish church of Sant'Andrea di Bigonzo is a sacred building in Vittorio Veneto, located in the locality of Bigonzo, now united to Serravalle, in front of Villa Vicentini Breda Beretta, the parsonage of the parish church.

Wikipedia: Pieve di Sant'Andrea di Bigonzo (IT)

4. Santuario di Santa Augusta

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The sanctuary of Santa Augusta is a sacred place in Serravalle di Vittorio Veneto, located on the slopes of Mount Marcantone, the hill northeast of the historic center. The remains of Santa Augusta are kept there.

Wikipedia: Santuario di Santa Augusta (IT)

5. Villa Papadopoli

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Villa Papadopoli Paolo Steffan / CC BY-SA 3.0

Villa Costantini Morosini Papadopoli-Aldobrandini is a Venetian villa in Vittorio Veneto, located in Ceneda, a few meters west of Piazza Giovanni Paolo I, where the cathedral stands. In about 1800 it was a hospital for bones, then in about 1970 it was a retirement home until about 1990, now abandoned

Wikipedia: Villa Costantini Morosini Papadopoli-Aldobrandini (IT)

6. Museo diocesano d'Arte Sacra Albino Luciani

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The Albino Luciani Diocesan Museum is a museum of Christian art in the Ceneda district of Vittorio Veneto in northern Italy, located on the top floor of the episcopal seminary in the piazza Giovanni Paolo I.

Wikipedia: Albino Luciani Diocesan Museum (EN)


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