5 Sights in Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy (with Map and Images)


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Explore interesting sights in Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy. Click on a marker on the map to view details about it. Underneath is an overview of the sights with images. A total of 5 sights are available in Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy.

1. Pieve di San Giovanni Battista

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The parish church of San Giovanni Battista, also known as the parish church of Contignaco, is a Romanesque Catholic place of worship located in the small hamlet of Contignaco, within the municipality of Salsomaggiore Terme, in the province of Parma and diocese of Fidenza; it belongs to the group of parish churches in Parma and is part of the Vicariate of Salsomaggiore Terme.

Wikipedia: Pieve di San Giovanni Battista (Salsomaggiore Terme) (IT)

2. Gabbia del pozzo Scotti

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The cage of the Scotti well is the concrete, glass and wrought iron covering of an artesian well, located in front of the Berzieri Thermal Baths in the square of the same name in Salsomaggiore Terme, in the province of Parma; Built in 1912, the work is considered one of the symbols of the city's Art Nouveau.

Wikipedia: Gabbia del pozzo Scotti (IT)

3. Chiesa di San Vitale

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The church of San Vitale, also known as the cathedral of Salsomaggiore, is a Futurist Catholic place of worship, located in Via Giovanni Valentini in Salsomaggiore Terme, in the province of Parma and diocese of Fidenza; it is part of the Vicariate of Salsomaggiore Terme.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Vitale (Salsomaggiore Terme) (IT)

4. Chiesa di San Bartolomeo

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The church of San Bartolomeo is a Catholic temple with Renaissance and Baroque forms, located in via Giovanni Pascoli 2B in Salsomaggiore Terme, in the province of Parma and diocese of Fidenza. It is the oldest place of worship in the city.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Bartolomeo (Salsomaggiore Terme) (IT)

5. Castello di Scipione

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The castle of Scipione, also known as Castello Pallavicino, is a medieval manor house located in the small hamlet of Scipione Castello, belonging to the municipality of Salsomaggiore Terme, in the province of Parma.

Wikipedia: Castello di Scipione (IT)


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