7 Sights in Rapallo, Italy (with Map and Images)


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Explore interesting sights in Rapallo, Italy. Click on a marker on the map to view details about it. Underneath is an overview of the sights with images. A total of 7 sights are available in Rapallo, Italy.

Sightseeing Tours in Rapallo

1. Nostra Signora di Montallegro

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Nostra Signora di Montallegro Davide Papalini / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Montallegro is a major Marian sanctuary in the Province of Genoa, located on a hill inland in Rapallo. It was built - along with the annex shelter for pilgrims - in 1558 thanks to the funds of the inhabitants. The current marble facade was built in 1896 by the Milanese architect Luigi Rovelli and opened with a solemn ceremony on June 21 of that year. Our Lady of Montallegro is the patroness of the city of Rapallo from 1739, when she was elected as the patron saint of the community rapallese, his Captaincy and the parishes of Santa Margherita Ligure. This recognition is reproduced on the municipal coat of arms showing from 28 November 1948 a letter "M" in the center of the two griffins below the royal crown. The hymn of Our Lady of Montallegro, entitled shines on high, was composed and set to music by teacher and priest Giovanni Battista Campodonico.

Wikipedia: Sanctuary of Our Lady of Montallegro (EN)

2. Castello di Punta Pagana

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The Castello di Punta Pagana is a 17th-century fort located on the homonymous Punta Pagana, within the grounds of Villa Pagana in Rapallo, within the Metropolitan City of Genoa in Italy. It is located west of San Michele di Pagana, close to the boundary with Santa Margherita Ligure. The fort was originally built by the Republic of Genoa, and today it belongs to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta along with the rest of the villa.

Wikipedia: Castello di Punta Pagana (EN)

3. Basilica Santi Gervasio e Protasio

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Basilica Santi Gervasio e Protasio Davide Papalini / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Basilica ArcipresBiTeterial-Collegiate of the Saints Gervasio and Protasio is a Catholic place of worship located in the municipality of Rapallo, between Corso Italia and Piazza Matteo Canessa, in the metropolitan city of Genoa. The church is home to the parish of the same name of the Vicariate of Rapallo-San Margherita Ligure of the diocese of Chiavari. In May 1925 Pope Pius XI raised it to the dignity of a minor basilica.

Wikipedia: Basilica dei Santi Gervasio e Protasio (IT)

4. Chiesa di San Michele

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The church of San Michele Arcangelo is a Catholic place of worship located in the hamlet of San Michele di Pagana, in via Prelo 1, in the municipality of Rapallo in the metropolitan city of Genoa. The church is the seat of the parish of the same name in the vicariate of Rapallo-Santa Margherita Ligure of the diocese of Chiavari.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo (Rapallo) (IT)

5. Monastero di Valle Christi

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The Monastery of Santa Maria in Valle Christi is a ruined Catholic monastery in the hamlet of San Massimo in the municipality of Rapallo, Liguria. The former thirteenth-century monastic complex is included in the list of Italian national monuments; It is one of the few surviving examples of Gothic architecture in Liguria.

Wikipedia: Monastero di Valle Christi (IT)

6. Chiesa di Nostra Signora Assunta

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The Church of Our Lady of the Assumption is a Catholic place of worship located in the hamlet of Santa Maria del Campo in the municipality of Rapallo, in the metropolitan city of Genoa. The church is the seat of the parish of the same name in the vicariate of Rapallo-Santa Margherita Ligure of the diocese of Chiavari.

Wikipedia: Chiesa di Nostra Signora Assunta (Rapallo) (IT)

7. Castello di Rapallo

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The castle on the sea is a defensive position in Rapallo, in the metropolitan city of Genoa, erected to defend the stretch of water at the Vittorio Veneto seafront. It is also called a medieval castle with an incorrect definition since the construction dates back only to the second half of the sixteenth century.

Wikipedia: Castello di Rapallo (IT)


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