8 Sights in Naumburg (Saale), Germany (with Map and Images)


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Explore interesting sights in Naumburg (Saale), Germany. Click on a marker on the map to view details about it. Underneath is an overview of the sights with images. A total of 8 sights are available in Naumburg (Saale), Germany.

Sightseeing Tours in Naumburg (Saale)

1. Naumburg Cathedral

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Naumburg Cathedral The original uploader was Necrophorus at German Wikipedia. / CC BY-SA 3.0

Naumburg Cathedral, located in Naumburg, Germany, is the former cathedral of the Bishopric of Naumburg-Zeitz. The church building, most of which dates back to the 13th century, is a renowned landmark of the German late Romanesque and was recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2018. The west choir with the famous donor portrait statues of the twelve cathedral founders (Stifterfiguren) and the Lettner, works of the Naumburg Master, is one of the most significant early Gothic monuments.

Wikipedia: Naumburg Cathedral (EN), Website, Heritage Website

2. Moritzkirche

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The Moritzkirche is a Protestant church in Naumburg in the Burgenlandkreis district, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. In the 16th century, it was the collegiate church of the Augustinian Order and replaced the first sacred building on the same site. In the centuries that followed, the church was rebuilt and extended several times. The church building has been a listed building since the 1970s. The parish belongs to the church district of Naumburg-Zeitz in the Evangelical Church in Central Germany.

Wikipedia: Moritzkirche (Naumburg) (DE), Website

3. Saalebrücke

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The Bad Kösen Saalebrücke is a street bridge at a historical transition over the Saale. Their historical name was Cöstener or Kösener bridge. The bridge, located a few kilometers below the pack of packs, connects the older part of Kösens on the right of the Saale with the newer part on the left bank of the river and marks a hall transition in the course of Altstraße via Regia, the course of which is recorded here by Bundesstraße 87.

Wikipedia: Saalebrücke Bad Kösen (DE)

4. Bismarck Denkmal

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Bismarck Denkmal unknown (public drawing) / Copyrighted free use

During the German Empire and after the First World War, the corps student associations KSCV and VAC erected four important monuments in front of the Rudelsburg (Saxony-Anhalt). In mid-July 1951, they were blown up in the GDR. The dilapidated and overgrown remains were uncovered after German reunification until 2007 and renewed and replaced as far as possible.

Wikipedia: Denkmäler bei der Rudelsburg (DE)

5. Rudelsburg

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Rudelsburg Michael Hanke / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Rudelsburg is a ruined hill castle located on the east bank of the river Saale above Saaleck, a village in the borough of Naumburg in the county of Burgenlandkreis in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. The Rudelsburg was built in the Middle Ages by the Bishop of Naumburg and served to secure trade routes such as the Via Regia through the Saale Valley.

Wikipedia: Rudelsburg (EN)

6. 1806 Gefallene

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The Hassenhausen War Memorial is a listed war memorial in the village of Hassenhausen in the district of Bad Kösen in the city of Naumburg in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. In the local register of monuments, the memorial is listed as an architectural monument under registration number 094 83523.

Wikipedia: Kriegerdenkmal Hassenhausen (DE)

7. St. Lucia

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The Protestant village church of St. Lucia is located in Flemmingen, a district of the town of Naumburg in the Burgenlandkreis in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. It is a listed building and is registered in the country's register of monuments with registration number 094 82891.

Wikipedia: St. Lucia (Flemmingen) (DE)

8. Thainburgbrücke

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The pedestrian bridge over the city moat to Thainburg in the city of Naumburg (Saale) in Saxony-Anhalt is one of the oldest, still preserved reinforced concrete bridges in Germany. The listed bridge was built in 1893/94 with the then new material iron concrete.

Wikipedia: Thainburgbrücke (DE)


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