9 Sights in Krefeld, Germany (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Krefeld, Germany! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Krefeld. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Krefeld

1. Haus Traar

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Haus Traar

Haus Traar is a former manor in Krefeld-Traar, An der Elfrather Mühle 241. It was the namesake for the formerly independent village, which is now a district of the North Rhine-Westphalian city of Krefeld. Built by nobles in the middle of the 13th century as a manor, it soon came into the possession of the Teutonic Order for around 500 years. After secularization, the property was also used as an agricultural estate by all subsequent owners. After the agricultural use was abandoned, all farm buildings were converted to residential purposes from 1992 onwards.

Wikipedia: Haus Traar (DE)

2. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Museum

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Kaiser-Wilhelm-Museum Hans Peter Schaefer / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Kaiser Wilhelm Museum is the main building of the Kunstmuseen Krefeld, which focuses on art from the second half of the 20th century. The building was inaugurated in 1899 and is protected as an architectural monument of the city of Krefeld.

Wikipedia: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Museum (DE), Website

3. Krefeld-Uerdinger Brücke

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The Uerdingen Rhine Bridge spans the Rhine between the Krefeld district of Uerdingen and the Duisburg district of Mündelheim as a rein belt bridge. The structure is 860 m long in total and has two lanes and two sidewalks. It is one of the last "fake" suspension bridges over the Rhine. The Uerdingen Rhine Bridge is part of the Bundesstraße 288. The structure is one of the most beautiful bridges over the Rhine and has been a listed building since 1987 because of the "architectural concept of the desired harmony between nature and technology".

Wikipedia: Krefeld-Uerdinger Brücke (DE)

4. Sankt Dionysius

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Sankt Dionysiusludger1961, shifted & cropped by Rabanus Flavus / CC BY-SA 3.0

St. Dionysius is the Catholic old town church of the Lower Rhine city of Krefeld. The church, which was built in several construction phases between 1752 and 1910, shapes the silhouette of the city with its 78-metre-high tower.

Wikipedia: St. Dionysius (Krefeld) (DE)

5. Haus Greiffenhorst

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Haus Greiffenhorst, also known as Greiffenhorstschlösschen and Schloss Greiffenhorst, is a former hunting lodge in the Krefeld district of Linn, about 1.2 km from Linn Castle. The classicist building from the 19th century stands in Greiffenhorstpark, a landscape garden designed by Maximilian Friedrich Weyhe.

Wikipedia: Haus Greiffenhorst (DE)

6. Sankt Peter

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St. Peter's is a Roman Catholic parish church in Uerdingen am Rhein, now a district of Krefeld. The church, which dates back to the 13th century, was rebuilt in the 1803 style after being destroyed in the Second World War. Its patron, the Apostle Peter, was also the patron saint of the city; its keys also represent Uerdingen in the coat of arms of the city of Krefeld.

Wikipedia: St. Peter (Uerdingen) (DE), Website

7. Autobahnkapelle

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The Autobahnkapelle Geismühle is an ecumenical motorway band at the Geismühle rest area west of the A 57 motorway in Krefeld-Oppum. The sacred building, which was inaugurated in 1981, is a listed building.

Wikipedia: Autobahnkapelle Geismühle (DE), Website

8. Egelsbergmühle

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The Egelsberg Mill is the name of the tower windmill of Dutch design on the Egelsberg in the North Rhine-Westphalian city of Krefeld. After the Elfrather Mühle, it is the second in the Traar district.

Wikipedia: Egelsbergmühle (DE)

9. Sankt Hubertus

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The Catholic branch church of St. Hubertus at Hohen 130 is a listed church building in the Krefeld district of Kliedbruch (North Rhine-Westphalia). The architectural peculiarity of the tent church was the originally intended relocatability of the building, which is still recognizable today.

Wikipedia: St. Hubertus (Krefeld) (DE), Website


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