7 Sights in Blankenburg (Harz), Germany (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Blankenburg (Harz), Germany! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Blankenburg (Harz). Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

1. Braunschweiger Löwe

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The list of copies of the Brunswick Lion lists all fifteen 1:1 copies of the Brunswick Lion, twelve of which have survived. The first was built in 1873 and is located in London, the last one in 2014, it is located in Lübstorf.

Wikipedia: Liste der Kopien des Braunschweiger Löwen (DE)

2. Bergkirche St. Bartolomäus

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The Bergkirche St. Bartholomäus is an Evangelical Lutheran church in Blankenburg (Harz). Since 1992, it has belonged to the Bad Harzburg Provost's Office of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Braunschweig and is a stop on the Harz Monastery Hiking Trail.

Wikipedia: St. Bartholomäus (Blankenburg (Harz)) (DE), Website, Website, Youtube

3. Burg und Festung Regenstein

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Regenstein Castle is a ruined castle that lies three kilometres north of Blankenburg in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt. It is a popular tourist destination where, each year, a knight's tournament and a garrison festival are held.

Wikipedia: Regenstein Castle (EN)

4. Burg Heimburg

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Heimburg Castle, also called the Altenburg or Alteburg, is a ruined castle on an oval hilltop about 330 metres above sea level (NN) which is located just north of the Harz Mountains in central Germany. The ruins of this hilltop castle stand above the village of Heimburg in the borough of Blankenburg in the district of Harz in the state of Saxony-Anhalt. It is checkpoint no. 84 in the Harzer Wandernadel hiking network.

Wikipedia: Heimburg Castle (EN)

5. Kuxburg

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Kuxburg Sarkana / FAL

The Kuxburg, also called Kucksburg, is a defunct spur castle on a rocky spur at the eastern end of the Teufelsmauer near Timmenrode in the district of Harz in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Directly below the northern rock face runs the disused Blankenburg–Quedlinburg railway.

Wikipedia: Kuxburg (DE)

6. Menhir von Heimburg

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Menhir von Heimburg Kai-Uwe Uebner / CC BY-SA 2.0 de

The menhir of Heimburg was a menhir destroyed in the 19th or early 20th century near Heimburg, a district of Blankenburg (Harz) in the district of Harz in Saxony-Anhalt. In 2004, another stone was erected at its original location.

Wikipedia: Menhir von Heimburg (DE)

7. Lutherkirche

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The Georgenhof is a listed former hospital in the town of Blankenburg (Harz) in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. It also includes the Luther Church, is used as a Protestant community center and includes rooms for various purposes, especially social purposes.

Wikipedia: Georgenhof (Blankenburg) (DE)


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