5 Sights in Rully, France (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Rully, France! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Rully. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

1. Croix

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A cross is a geometrical figure consisting of two intersecting lines or bars, usually perpendicular to each other. The lines usually run vertically and horizontally. A cross of oblique lines, in the shape of the Latin letter X, is termed a saltire in heraldic terminology.

Wikipedia: Cross (EN)

2. Église Notre-Dame

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The Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Rieul church is a parish Catholic church located in Rully, in the French department of Oise and the Hauts-de-France region. It is one of the very rare churches placed under the patronage of Saint Rieul, evangelizer of the country of France and the first bishop of Senlis, died at the end of the 4th or at the beginning of the 5th century: the parish has undoubtedly existed , and can be considered one of the oldest in the region. No part of the church, however, predates the 12th century. At the beginning of the 12th century, the previous church received a new bell tower and undoubtedly a new choir, and the first floor of the bell tower remains to date. Shortly before the middle of the 12th century, the bell tower is provided with a second floor, which surprises by the richness of its ornamentation, and the ancient inspiration of its capitals and its frieze, of a type more specific to the south from France. The nave, not vaulted but quite spacious, and its western portal date from the same time. They are always in a novel style. The rest of the church is Gothic. Around 1240, in fact, we want to give the church a more representative transept and choir, while wanting to keep the bell tower for sentimental reasons. The Gothic transformation of the ensuing church includes a daring resumption of the base of the bell tower, of which any novel character disappears inside. In order to create a harmonious transition between the nave and the new transept, the prime contractor has the idea of ​​adding chapels to the angle of the crossbrokes and the nave, which communicate with the latter by oblique arcades. They prevent the gaze with the falling against walls at the end of the nave, as is regularly the case in the Romanesque churches of the region, and create visual continuity between the nave and the crossbrokes. This original arrangement explains the archaeological importance of the church, as well as the quality of the architecture of the oriental parts with their beautiful radiant windows, and the particular character of the upper floor of the bell tower. As a result, the church is classified as a fairly early historic monument by list of 1862. It is at the center of the community of Rully - Raray - Montépilloy of the Saint -Rieul parish of Senlis, and welcomes Eucharistic celebrations the second and fourth Sunday From the month, at 10:30 a.m.

Wikipedia: Église Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Rieul de Rully (FR)

3. Prieuré de Bray

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The priory of Saint-Victor of Bray-sur-Aunette is a former priory of regular canons of Saint Augustin, dependent on the Saint-Victor of Paris abbey, and located in the town of Rully (Oise), in France. It was founded in 1249 by will of Guillaume Le Bouteiller, lord of Senlis. A prior and five monks are installed in 1263, the alleged date of the completion of the chapel. Around 1650, the priory was devastated by the troops of the Marshal of Turenne, then repaired. The last prior died in 1773. The precarious financial situation of the mother abbey of Saint-Victor does not allow it to be replaced, and the estate is rented to a bourgeois in Paris, with the obligation to maintain the chapel. Sale as national property occurred in 1791, and the priory definitively became a farm. The convent buildings were demolished between 1827 and 1836. Since then, the chapel of radiant Gothic style have been, which is of great architectural interest; a cave ; a medieval dovecote; elements of the fence wall with the portal; and buildings of the two low-cours dating from the modern era. They experienced multiple transformations, and two operating buildings were still built in 1900. The cellar and archaeological vestiges north of the chapel were registered in historic monuments in 1926; The Chapel and the Colombier are in turn classified at the end of 1943, while new owners, Christiane and Charles de la Bédoyère, have just taken possession of the site. They avoid the collapse of the vaults of the chapel by having steel tie rods placed in 1963. In 1996, the Delacharlery family, owner since 1981, did the necessary to put the chapel out of water. The frame and the cover are redone. These are the very first restoration works since the departure of the religious. In 1998, the Sirot Saunier family acquired the estate. With the support of an association founded in 2004, she undertook the total catering of the chapel between 2005 and 2012. Each year concerts are organized.

Wikipedia: Prieuré Saint-Victor de Bray (FR), Website

4. Château médiéval de Rully

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Château médiéval de Rully

The Château de Rully is a castle in the commune of Rully in the Saône-et-Loire département of France. Located on the side of a hill, the castle dominates the whole region, facing the plain leading to the Saône. To the west, it commands the valley towards Nantoux and Chassey-le-Camp.

Wikipedia: Château de Rully (EN)

5. Église Saint-Georges

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The Saint-Georges church is a parish Catholic church located in the hamlet of Bray in the commune of Rully, in the French department of Oise. This small church of the cruciform plan was originally with a single vessel. Only the rectangular choir vaulted as a cradle remains of the Romanesque church built around 1100. It was enlarged by a vaulted span of warheads, to the detriment of the nave, around 1170/1180. From this period, only the two columns with capitals of the triumphal arch are worthy of interest. During the 1260s, the church finally found its current configuration with the addition of two braces, which were not vaulted, but equipped with windows with elegant radiant replacements. Quite curious is the double connection with the nave, with arcades and narrow passages between two columns, including those of 1170/1180 and those added with the crossbar, and with the vaulted span of warheads at the same time. The bell tower was added to modern times in the corner between the sanctuary and the northern cross, and the nave was rebuilt without any particular style. Also remarkable for its picturesque situation on a rocky mound in the Aunette valley, the Saint -Georges church was registered in the historic monuments by decree of February 23, 1951. It is affiliated with the community of Rully - Raray - Montépilloy The Saint-Rieul de Senlis parish, and welcomes a single Eucharistic celebration per year, the day of the ascent.

Wikipedia: Église Saint-Georges de Bray (FR)


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