7 Sights in Château-Thierry, France (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Château-Thierry, France! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Château-Thierry. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Château-Thierry

1. Ruines de l'ancien château

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Ruines de l'ancien château Johann Dréo (User:Nojhan) / CC BY-SA 3.0

The castle of Château-Thierry is an old fortified castle, founded in the ninth century by the Counts of Vermandois and remodelled in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries by the Counts of Champagne, then by Philip the Fair in the fourteenth century and finally by Antoine de Bourgogne at the end of the fifteenth and the beginning of the sixteenth century. Its remains stand in the French commune of Château-Thierry in the department of Aisne, in the Hauts-de-France region.

Wikipedia: Château de Château-Thierry (FR)

2. Église Saint-Crepin

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The Church of Saint-Crépin is a church located in Château-Thierry, in the Aisne department. Mentioned as early as the twelfth century, it was completely rebuilt at the end of the fifteenth century or the beginning of the sixteenth century, following the damage of the Hundred Years' War. It is a hall church in a late Gothic but sober style, whose façade is flanked by an imposing bell tower. It has been classified as a historical monument since 1957.

Wikipedia: Église Saint-Crépin de Château-Thierry (FR)

3. Borne Vauthier Demarcation Stone

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Western Front demarcation stones, also known as Bornes du Front and Bornes Vauthier, are monuments erected in France and Belgium to mark the limit of the German advance during the First World War. The stones were the idea of sculptor Paul Moreau-Vauthier, a veteran of the war, and were erected between 1921 and 1930. The total number of stones erected is unclear but it is thought that there were 118 official stones, of which 93 survive. The stones identify the army that held that sector in 1918 and are engraved with the text "Here the invader was brought to a standstill 1918" in English, Dutch, and French.

Wikipedia: Western Front demarcation stones (EN)

4. Ancien couvent des Capucins

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Ancien couvent des CapucinsZeugma fr (talk) (Antoine FLEURY-GOBERT) / CC BY-SA 1.0

The Capuchin Convent is a former convent located in Château-Thierry, France. It forms the historic heart of the Capuchin College, which will become the Jean de La Fontaine College and High School in Château-Thierry, then the Jean Racine College when the high school was moved to modern buildings on the heights of the city.

Wikipedia: Couvent des Capucins de Château-Thierry (FR)

5. Les remparts du Chateau

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Les remparts du ChateauZeugma fr (talk) (Antoine FLEURY-GOBERT) / CC BY-SA 3.0

The ramparts of Château-Thierry, from the thirteenth century, are a vestige of the urban rampart that surrounded the fortified town, which stand in the commune of Château-Thierry in the department of Aisne in the Hauts-de-France region.

Wikipedia: Remparts de Château-Thierry (FR)

6. Porte Saint-Pierre

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The Porte Saint-Pierre, from the late thirteenth century, is a vestige of the urban rampart that surrounded the fortified town, which stands in the commune of Château-Thierry in the Aisne department in the Hauts-de-France region.

Wikipedia: Porte Saint-Pierre (Château-Thierry) (FR)

7. Maison de Jean de la Fontaine

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Maison de Jean de la FontaineZeugma fr (Antoine FLEURY-GOBERT) / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Jean-de-La-Fontaine Museum is an art and history museum essentially dedicated to Jean de La Fontaine and his work. It is based in the poet's birthplace in Château-Thierry, in the Aisne region. It benefits from the Museum of France designation and the Maisons des Illustres label.

Wikipedia: Musée Jean de La Fontaine (FR)


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