5 Sights in Beaune, France (with Map and Images)


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Explore interesting sights in Beaune, France. Click on a marker on the map to view details about it. Underneath is an overview of the sights with images. A total of 5 sights are available in Beaune, France.

Sightseeing Tours in BeauneActivities in Beaune

1. Château de Beaune

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The Château de Beaune is a 19th-century castle on the site of the former fifteenth-century fortified castle of Beaune. Located on the Route des Grands Crus from the Burgundy vineyard to Beaune in Côte-d'Or in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, it has been the current headquarters of the Bouchard Père & Fils wine estate since 1872, and has been listed as a historical monument since September 10, 1937.

Wikipedia: Château de Beaune (FR)

2. Maison du Colombier

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The Maison du Colombier is a 16th-century medieval mansion with watchtower and octagonal tower with a Burgundy glazed tile roof, in Beaune in Côte-d'Or (Bourgogne-Franche-Comté). The façade and roof have been listed as historical monuments since 17 September 1943, and the corner watchtower has been listed since 29 December 1927.

Wikipedia: Maison du Colombier (FR)

3. Chapelle Saint-Flocel

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Chapelle Saint-Flocel Olivier Vanpé / CC BY-SA 2.5

Beaune is the wine capital of Burgundy in the Côte d'Or department in eastern France. It is located between Lyon and Dijon. Beaune is one of the key wine centers in France, and the center of Burgundy wine production and business. The annual wine auction of the Hospices de Beaune is the primary wine auction in France.

Wikipedia: Beaune (EN)

4. Mural de la Grande Vadrouille

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La Grande Vadrouille is a 1966 French-British comedy film set in 1942 about French civilians who help the crew of a Royal Air Force bomber shot down over Paris to make their way through German-occupied France to safe territory.

Wikipedia: La Grande Vadrouille (EN)

5. Hôtel des ducs de Bourgogne

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The Hôtel des ducs de Bourgogne de Beaune is a 14th-century palace that houses the Burgundy Wine Museum, a museum of the vine and wine of Burgundy wines, created in 1938 in Beaune in Côte-d'Or in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

Wikipedia: Hôtel des ducs de Bourgogne de Beaune (FR)


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