Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #2 in Târgu Mureș, Romania


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 5 sights
Distance 1.9 km
Ascend 30 m
Descend 19 m

Explore Târgu Mureș in Romania with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Individual Sights in Târgu Mureș

Sight 1: Bernády György

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Bernády György

György Bernády was the mayor of Târgu Mureș (Marosvásárhely) twice, 1900–1912 and 1926–1929. In this period the City Hall and the Cultural Palace in Târgu Mureș on the Roses Square were both built. His name is associated with public illumination and sewerage in the city. In this period many schools, libraries and art galleries were also built.

Wikipedia: György Bernády (EN)

246 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 2: Palatul Apollo

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Palatul Apollo / DP

Apollo Palace is a flagship building built between 1821 and 1822 in eclectic style by Count Sámuel Teleki in Rose Square in Târgu Mureş.

Wikipedia: Palatul Apollo din Târgu Mureș (RO)

538 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 3: Lupoaica

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The Statue of the Wolf or the Monument of Latinity is located in the center of Targu Mures, on Primăriei Street, near the Rose Square. The Lupa Capitolina is a monument to Latinity located in Rome, Italy. To pay homage to the Latin origin of the Romanian people, between 1906-1926 the Italian state gave Romania 4 copies of the famous Lupa Capitolina in Rome. The statue located in Targu Mures is a copy of the statue of the Wolf in Bucharest, unveiled on May 23, 1924.

Wikipedia: Statuia Lupoaicei din Târgu Mureș (RO)

869 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 4: Pseudosphaera

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The statue of Pseudosphaera stands on Bolyai Square in Târgu Mureş. It commemorates János Bolyai, a world-famous Hungarian mathematician who spent a significant part of his life in Târgu Mureş. The first mathematical monument of Transylvania.

Wikipedia: Pseudosphaera-szobor (HU)

286 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 5: Biserica Reformată Mică

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The Small Church is a one-nave Reformed church with late Baroque decoration in downtown Târgu Mureş, on Gecse Dániel Street (strada Ștefan cel Mare). It got its name from its slightly smaller size than the Castle Church, but it still has seven hundred seats. It was built between 1815 and 1829 on a plot of land on which a Reformed wooden church stood already at the beginning of the 18th century. It was consecrated in 1830 and acquired its present appearance in the late 1920s.

Wikipedia: Kistemplom (Marosvásárhely) (HU), Website


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