Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #3 in Sopot, Poland


Churches & Art
Water & Wind
Heritage & Space
Paid Tours & Activities

Tour Facts

Number of sights 6 sights
Distance 4.6 km
Ascend 158 m
Descend 73 m

Explore Sopot in Poland with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Individual Sights in Sopot

Sight 1: Sopot Pier

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The Sopot Pier is the pier in the city of Sopot, Poland on the Gdańsk Bay, built as a pleasure pier and as a mooring point for cruise boats. It first opened in 1827, and at 511.5 metres (1,678 ft), the pier is the longest wooden pier in Europe. It stretches into the sea from the middle of Sopot beach which is a popular venue for recreation and health walks or public entertainment events, and it also serves as a mooring point for cruise boats and water taxis. It is also an excellent point for observing the World Sailing Championship, the Baltic Windsurfing Cup and the Sopot Triathlon taking place on the bay. Sopot pier consists of 2 parts: the famous wooden walking jetty and the Spa Square on land, where concerts and festivities are organised.

Wikipedia: Sopot Pier (EN), Website

654 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 2: Kaplica pw. Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny

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Church of St. Andrzej Boboli and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sopot – a Roman Catholic parish church located in Sopot, in the Pomeranian province. It belongs to the decanate of Sopot in the archdiocese of Gdańsk. It is located in the Dolny Sopot district.

Wikipedia: Kościół Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny i św. Andrzeja Boboli w Sopocie (PL)

912 meters / 11 minutes

Sight 3: Skansen Archeologiczny Grodzisko - Oddział Muzeum Archeologicznego w Gdańsku

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Skansen Archeologiczny Grodzisko - Oddział Muzeum Archeologicznego w Gdańskutomasz przechlewski from Sopot, Poland / CC BY 2.0

The stronghold in Sopot - early medieval, dated to the eighth century, a stronghold within the city of Sopot, surrounded by a shaft and a moat, covered with beech forest. He functions as an archaeological open -air museum, which is a branch of the Archaeological Museum in Gdańsk.

Wikipedia: Grodzisko w Sopocie (PL)

1549 meters / 19 minutes

Sight 4: Cmentarz Katolicki

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The Catholic Cemetery in Sopot is a necropolis at Jacek Malczewski Street in Sopot, Poland. It is located near the municipal cemetery and the Jewish cemetery in this city.

Wikipedia: Cmentarz katolicki w Sopocie (PL)

295 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 5: Cmentarz Żydowski

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The Jewish cemetery in Sopot is a Jewish cemetery of the Jewish community that once lived in Sopot.

Wikipedia: Cmentarz żydowski w Sopocie (PL), Url

1142 meters / 14 minutes

Sight 6: Forest Opera

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The Forest Opera is an open-air amphitheatre located in Sopot, Poland, with a capacity of 5047 seats, the orchestra pit can contain up to 110 musicians.

Wikipedia: Forest Opera (EN)


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