Free Walking Sightseeing Tour #5 in Ludwigsburg, Germany


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Paid Tours & Activities

Tour Facts

Number of sights 5 sights
Distance 3.1 km
Ascend 100 m
Descend 50 m

Explore Ludwigsburg in Germany with this free self-guided walking tour. The map shows the route of the tour. Below is a list of attractions, including their details.

Individual Sights in Ludwigsburg

Sight 1: Emichsburg

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The Emichsburg is a building in the East Garden of the Blooming Baroque in Ludwigsburg, Germany.

Wikipedia: Emichsburg (Ludwigsburg) (DE)

307 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 2: Blühendes Barock

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Blühendes Barock

The gardens around the Residenzschloss in Ludwigsburg in Baden-Württemberg are referred to as the blooming baroque.

Wikipedia: Blühendes Barock (DE), Website

164 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 3: Schlosstheater

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Schlosstheater Ludwigsburg is a theatre in Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

Wikipedia: Schlosstheater Ludwigsburg (EN)

1879 meters / 23 minutes

Sight 4: Osterholzschule

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The Queen Olga Barracks was a barracks in Ludwigsburg, Germany.

Wikipedia: Königin-Olga-Kaserne (DE)

785 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 5: Charlotte Schörg

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In the list of Stolpersteine in Ludwigsburg are all 96 Stolpersteine that were laid in Ludwigsburg as part of the project of the artist Gunter Demnig on a total of 13 dates. The first Ludwigsburg Stolpersteine were placed on September 27, 2008, the last so far on November 15, 2022. According to the Ludwigsburg Stumbling Stone Initiative, more are to follow in April 2024.

Wikipedia: Liste der Stolpersteine in Ludwigsburg (DE)


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