6 Sights in Wageningen, Netherlands (with Map and Images)


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Explore interesting sights in Wageningen, Netherlands. Click on a marker on the map to view details about it. Underneath is an overview of the sights with images. A total of 6 sights are available in Wageningen, Netherlands.

Sightseeing Tours in Wageningen

1. World Soil Museum

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The World Soil Museum (WSM) displays physical examples of soil profiles (monoliths) representing major soil types of the world, from the volcanic ash soils from Indonesia to the red, strongly weathered soils from the Amazon region. The museum is managed by ISRIC - World Soil Information, legally registered as the International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC), an independent, science-based foundation. Physically, the museum is located on the campus of Wageningen University and Research Centre in Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Wikipedia: World Soil Museum (EN), Website, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Youtube

2. Het Depot

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Sculpture Gallery Het Depot is a museum in Wageningen, the Netherlands. The museum has both permanent and temporary exhibitions on contemporary sculpture. People are central to the collection and the human dimension is reflected in the exhibitions. Touching the statues is allowed and admission is free. Het Depot emphatically does not describe itself as a museum, but as a 'sculpture gallery'. The sculptures in Het Depot were mainly purchased from the artists.

Wikipedia: Beeldengalerij Het Depot (NL)

3. De Vlijt

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De Vlijt is a windmill located on the Harnjesweg 54 in Wageningen, Netherlands. Built in 1879 it has been in use ever since as a gristmill. The mill was built as a Smock mill and its four sails have a span of 22.30 meters. The mill was bought by the local government and restored in 1978, and it was listed as a national heritage site in 1970.

Wikipedia: De Vlijt, Wageningen (EN), Website

4. Johannes de Doperkerk

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The St. John the Baptist Church, in full the Church of St. John the Baptist Nativity and Resurrection of the Lord, is the Roman Catholic church of Wageningen. The church from 1925 is located on the Bergstraat and is popularly known as "Bergstraatkerk". The church is part of the parish of Z. Titus Brandsma.

Wikipedia: Sint-Johannes de Doperkerk (Wageningen) (NL)

5. Arboretum Oostereng

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Arboretum Oostereng is an arboretum in the municipality of Wageningen. The arboretum was laid out in 1911 by Leonard Springer, who was not only a landscape architect but also a collector of special trees. Until 1936, many special and less special trees were planted.

Wikipedia: Arboretum Oostereng (NL), Website

6. The Sower

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De Zaaier is a statue at the Atlas building of Wageningen University and Research Center (WUR) in Wageningen on the Droevendaalsesteeg. It was made by the Wageningen sculptor August Falise (1875-1936). The image is a symbol of Wageningen science.

Wikipedia: De Zaaier (beeld) (NL)


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